
Products » Evidence Mapper

The Evidence Mapper platform provides a fast and efficient way to collate, screen, shortlist,  index and visualise  a large body of evidence on a topic as part of a literature review and evidence synthesis project. ,

The ergonomic user interface saves time and improves the accuracy of abstract screening in a systematic literature review. Further indexing of shortlisted relevant abstracts into an Evidence Map provides a speedy overview of the evidence and helps   narrow down the scope of a targeted review while minimizing any bias in study selection.

Using the Evidence Mapper, articles identified as relevant to a topic can be filtered by country, year of publication, disease subgroups, intervention, study methodology, outcome, patient-reported outcome tool used, or other bespoke categories of interest.

Updates can easily be conducted as new studies are published and gaps in the evidence base can be instantly identified to guide evidence generation activities. Secure client domains are branded with their logo and colour palette. Client administrators control and monitor who has access to their Maps via two-factor authentication.

Online demos of the functionality of the Evidence Mapper can be found here

Crystallise regularly provides Evidence Maps for our clients as part of our consultancy services. Our new subscriber platform now gives other agencies and organisations access to the unique Evidence Mapper platform for internal use or to support their own consultancy.

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