Evidence Mapping

Accelerate life insurance research decisions with Evidence Mapping, a budget-friendly, time-efficient literature review.

Case Studies

We used the Evidence Mapper to complete and reconcile the abstract screening for a systematic literature review. The indexing interface made it easy to colour relevant words so that screening was accurate and efficient, and the rapid stepping from one abstract to the next meant that no time was wasted during the screening and reconciliation. Shortlisted abstracts were passed automatically to the Evidence Map, where we were able to select the most relevant publications to include in the report, while giving the client early access to the full evidence base.

Our Evidence Maps are very useful in terms of summarising the evidence using only the abstracts identified in the database searches. This can be very useful, not only as part of the SLR process, but also as an end product, as it provides a lot of information on the literature available on a topic, as well as on the gaps in the evidence that the client might be willing to explore. A key area of biomedical research and interest for the insurance industry is anti-aging techniques. The biomedical literature on this topic is vast, and our Evidence Mapping service allows you to examine the literature across various topics such as intervention type, e.g. telomeres, caloric restriction, disease target, population and technology.

Please visit our website for further information and demos.

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