Mortality & Longevity

Unlock mortality insights with our multi-disciplinary modelling approach, combining health science and actuarial expertise for precise risk assessment

Case Studies

An insurance company required bespoke modelling and clinical expertise to develop their medical underwriting capabilities. Crystallise were selected based on our unique range of qualifications and experience. We built a medical underwriting eco-system linking high-resolution medical records, including health conditions, risk factors, and medication history, to morbidity and mortality rates, ensuring precise risk assessment for tailored annuity products.
Our client required assistance parameterizing their longevity risk model (Solvency II internal risk capital model). Our state-of-the-art cause-of-death risk modelling approach combined with our multi-disciplinary team developed a short-term and long-term view of future mortality improvements. Having this time-dependent medically informed view of risk enabled a more precise and comprehensive risk assessment, improving their internal model’s accuracy and our client’s resilience.
A bulk annuity provider wanted to carry out high-resolution longevity risk modelling that captured the risk associated with a portfolio’s underlying biometric characteristics, however, this data is not readily available from pension schemes. Using our synthetic sample tool, we were able to generate a distribution of their portfolio’s likely biometric risk factors (BMI, blood pressure, smoking etc..), leveraging socioeconomic and employment data to improve accuracy. This information was then used alongside our in-house mortality modelling tools to estimate the individual and portfolio level life expectancies for various what-if scenarios (e.g. smoking secession, cardiovascular medical advancement).

We have developed over many years of clinical market (life & Pensions) experience, a number of pricing and risk modelling tools leveraging medical, epidemiological and actuarial expertise. The diagram below outlines our approach to mortality modelling.

We use our unique blend of medical and modelling expertise together with our detailed knowledge of the needs of the insurance market to develop innovative mortality models. We can identify mortality trends over time for specific diseases and predict individual and portfolio life expectancy. Our in-house cause-of-death mortality models can account for socioeconomic and biomedical risk factors (e.g. smoking, BMI).

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17 High Street,
SS17 0HD



Company No: 7980921
Data Protection Act Registration No: Z3363643
VAT No: 190 8750 82

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